Ethical Design Guide
Tech is always political. The way data is collected and handled is often biased, and many products are neither accessible nor inclusive. Ethical Design Guide is made to share resources on how to create ethical products that don't cause harm. More links will be added continuously, and shared through a monthly newsletter.
Recommended topics
TikTok's algorithm leads users from transphobic videos to far-right rabbit holes
article about transphobia, algorithms, and LGBTQIA+.
By Olivia Little, and Abbie Richards.
Dr. Timnit Gebru, Big Tech, and the AI Ethics Smokescreen
article about AI, ethics, and racism.
By Mia Dand.
Gender Shades: Intersectional Accuracy Disparities in Commercial Gender Classification
paper about algorithms, AI, gender, and race.
By Joy Buolamwini, and Timnit Gebru.
Challenging the Algorithms of Oppression
talk about algorithms, ai, and bias.
By Dr. Safiya Noble.
talk about AI, algorithms, race, and gender.
By Joy Buolamwini.
What the Tech Industry Can Learn from Afrofuturism
article about race, anti-racism, and AI.
By Sidney Phillips.
talk about bias, and AI.
By Ayodele Odubela.
book about algorithms, inequality, racism, and bias.
By Ruha Benjamin.
book about algorithms, data science, inequality, racism, and bias.
By Cathy O'Neil.
article about algorithms, AI, racism, and bias.
By Julia Angwin, Jeff Larson, Surya Mattu, Lauren Kirchner, and ProPublica.
book about algorithms, bias, racism, sexism, and data science.
By Dr. Safiya Umoja Noble.
newsletter about race, bias, algorithms, AI, and social justice.
By lighthouse3.
podcast about tech, race, anti-racism, bias, and algorithms.
By Kim Crayton.
book about bias, algorithms, gender, and race.
By Sara Wachter-Boettcher.
Excavating AI: The Politics of Images in Machine Learning Training Sets
article about AI, algorithms, and bias.
By Kate Crawford, and Trevor Paglen.
Racial discrimination in ‘dynamic pricing’ algorithms
article about racism, algorithms, and bias.
By Kyle Wiggers.
Factually! #68: Technology and Race with Ruha Benjamin
podcast about tech, race, anti-racism, bias, and algorithms.
By Adam Conover.